Tuesday, March 01, 2005


A couple days ago at the grocery store we bought some broccoli-type stuff that we thought was broccoli raab, because we wanted to try it. However when we got it out last night to cook it up, we realized that it wasn’t broccoli raab, it was “aspiration.” Aspiration? How can you name a vegetable aspiration? Aspiration already has enough definitions - we don’t need to add broccoli to that. Apparently the aspiration that we had last night was a cross between regular broccoli and Chinese broccoli. It was quite good stir-fried up with garlic and red peppers and a bit of hoisin.

So I’m going in for surgery on my
shoulder Friday. I’m getting a bit nervous about it – I haven’t had surgery since I got my tonsils out when I was 4. I think I’m equally nervous that I won’t be able to knit during my recovery. I was trying to knit this weekend without moving my right shoulder this weekend and it’s pretty difficult. What will I do? Five days at home on pain pills... Should be interesting. GT4, here I come!

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