Thursday, December 15, 2005


To one and all, I apologise for yesterday's pointless spew. Not because I retract any of the points, except for my hatred(it is more like a comingled despair and pity), but that it lacked the level of critical analysis that I like include in a post. It was meant as a joke to point out the dichotomy of stereotypes between the right and left wings and to provide a hyperbolic voice to my frustration at the political trends lately. That was probably missed by some.

Sorry if my espousal of hatred for everybody not goosestepping in my own private parade actually offended anybody. It was not aimed at you unless you are a cabinet level official in the Bush administration. If it did actually offend anybody, I would reccomend thicker skin for reading this blog. I am not taking pride in my power to be offensive, but giving warning that this won't be the last time.

PS Mandy has disavowed association with yesterdays post.


Merce said...

Quit apologising... It's your blog and you can say whatever you want, however you want. I see nothing wrong with an emotion-filled rant on today's political situation, however it comes across. If this is what you think, the who cares if people don't like it? Risking offending others is not a good enough resaon to not express yourself. All this political and social correctness is diluting the ability for people to have a productive exchange of ideas that have the posibility to lead to true long lasting changes that positively affect everyone.

Being popular is not exactly what some of the most influential people of our time were focused on in their efforts. Unpopular ideas and movements have helped changed some of the most messed up ideologies in our history, like the women's right to vote or equal rights for blacks, gays, and the otherwise disenfranchised factions of our society.

So, don't say, "Sorry", instead say, "Too bad if you don't like it!" I, for one, applaud you for thinking about and forming opinions on what's going on out there in the world. Most people can't even get that far. They are too busy watching TV.

mandy said...

I have to admit, I think I am partially responsible for B's apologetic post. I gave him shit the other night for the "full of hate for...all of you ignorant right wing agenda mother fuckers." I agree that we're not out here to make everyone happy and that it is okay to offend, but I really have to wonder if making broad, sweeping statements like that really help the process, or if it just pisses more people off. I personally don't think that all right-wingers are ignorant mother fuckers. I'm sure there are some out there, but I'll bet there are some ignorant left-wing mother fuckers too...

I must admit that I am good friends with some right-leaning folks. Although we don't see eye to eye on politics, we're still friends. I don't think they are ignorant, or mother fuckers, for that matter.

countjrg said...

I really like Bodie's rants. I think they are entertaining, and occasionally they even keep me honest about my views.

Also, I wanted to let you guys know that I would be a paid subscriber (yes- i would pay money)for a Bodie/Chett blog. Just an idea...

mandy said...

Well, we got the okay from our token right-wing friend! I hearby give B free reign to rant however he likes. I'm serious. I don't want to break up the blog, and I don't want to censor it either. If the count is okay with it, then so am I.

And I too would pay money for a Bodie/Chett blog. I think you are on to something. Now that's entertainment!