Tuesday, March 07, 2006

going, going...

Clearly, we haven't been blogging much lately. It's time for a break. B and I just can't seem to get excited about writing here right now and we're not good at making stuff up on the spur of the moment. And there's also the fact that I'm paranoid that my IT nazis are about to block blogger at any time now, which would make blogging for me virtually impossible. (Unless one of you faithful readers finds it in your heart to send us a new computer, with which I could blog from home... Anyone???)

So... the point here is that we're taking a blog sabbatical. Blo-battical? Sablogattical? Either way, we likely won't be writing here for a while. I recommend that you check back in a month, we'll likely have some sort of update.

We'll miss you!


susan said...

Aww, enjoy the break, and come back soon (either to the blog or to knitting...) :-)

Noir Muse said...

Yeah...I'm in the same boat. All the best, Carrie